Lodge Rooms used as Class Room Following the devastating fire that destroyed Cruden Bay’s Port Erroll Primary School, Lodge St. Olaf generously offered its Lodge Rooms as temporary classrooms during the school’s closure. The local authority accepted this...
The Spirit of St Olaf The Spirit of St. Olaf raft marked the final outing of the lodge in the Ythan The summer of 1995 marked a pivotal moment in the history of the Ythan Raft Race, as Lodge St. Olaf entered its final years of participation. After dominating the...
A Man Called Horace Over the years, Lodge St. Olaf has been fortunate to count several talented entertainers among its members. In the early 1990s, Lodge members Jim Gardiner and Gordon Mackay performed as a novelty band called “A Man Called Horace.” Their musical...
The Cruden Bay City Glitter Band The Ythan Raft Races were always a highlight for Lodge St. Olaf members and their families, offering camaraderie and entertainment on race day. However, the lead-up to the event often proved just as enjoyable, filled with laughter,...
The Booze Brothers One of Lodge St. Olaf’s most iconic and unforgettable entries in the Ythan Raft Race came the year they transformed into the “Booze Brothers,” a playful homage to the cult classic film The Blues Brothers. Staying true to the movie’s quirky charm,...