Bro. Ewan Robertson  2006-2008

Bro. Ewan Robertson 2006-2008

Back Row L to R: Bro. Doug Sheal, Bro. Davie Platt, Bro. George Hall, Bro, Craig Whiteman, Bro. Jim Conner, Bro. Bill Murray, Bro. Doug Daly, Bro. Paul Forsythe Middle Row L to R: Bro. Barrie Harper, Bro. Ewan Robertson (R.W.M.), Bro. Mark Dunn, Bro. Kenny Davidson...

Bro. Neil Daniel 2006-2008

Office Bearers 2006 – 2007 R.W.M. Niel Daniel I.P.M. Ewan Robertson D.M. Gordon Mackay P.M. W.S.W. John Simpson W.J.W. Richard Scott Sec. Mark Dunn P.M. Tres. Doug Sheal Almoner: S.D. George Hall J.D. Russell Syme I.G. Steven Cowie Chap. Simon Hope Tyler. David...
Jim Stewart RWPPGM In Memorium

Jim Stewart RWPPGM In Memorium

P.M. James Stewart passed away on the 24th February 2006 (age 71 years), but he left behind a formidable record of Masonic excellence. For most freemasons the accolade of their Masonic career is rightly confirmed by the great honour the brethren place upon them by...
Knoydart 2005

Knoydart 2005

Inverie Revisited The St Olaf Possee revisited Knoydart during the early summer of 2005. The group was blessed with fantastic weather and an almost midge free time which was as pleasurable an experience as it was an unusual occurrence at this time of year. The walk to...
Arran 2005

Arran 2005

Meticulous planning and detailed organisation from the collective brainpower of company directors and captains of industry must have assured a flawless adventure to Arran.Arrangements saw 3 of the team choose motorbikes as the preferred mode of transport, a further 5...