Chinese Junk In 1988, Lodge St. Olaf returned to the high seas of imagination, this time with an ambitious and striking representation of a Chinese Junk. Staying true to their penchant for intricate detail, the crew poured countless hours into crafting a vessel that...
The Trawler For the most part, Lodge St. Olaf’s entries in the Ythan Raft Race leaned heavily toward seafaring themes—a natural choice given the maritime heritage of the surrounding communities. For their second outing, the Lodge paid tribute to this legacy by...
The Lodge began it’s a more adventurous fundraising efforts back in the mid ’80s with the 100-mile trek along the West Highland Way. Four Lodge members agreed to take on the arduous task and as well as any physical preparations they would have made, they also...
The Mississippi Paddle Steamer In 1986, Lodge St. Olaf took its first tentative steps toward making raft race history. The six-man crew, brimming with enthusiasm but little experience, could not have imagined that their inaugural effort would lay the foundation for a...