6th March 2025
Lo! The banners of Lodge St. Olaf were unfurled, and the brethren gathered beneath their hallowed eaves for an evening that shall long be sung of in hushed tones around the hearth. The moon cast its argent glow upon the ancient stones, and the time had come for a great trial—a Third Degree to be conferred upon the valiant Brother Vern Nathan. Yet, as with all great gatherings of kindred spirits, the night became more than mere ritual; it became a tale of unity, courage, and the undying fire of fellowship.
A Mustering of the Fellowship
Many were they who flocked to the sacred hall, from the most venerable of Master Masons to those whose journey had but begun. So eager were the newest initiates to stand among their brothers, to bear witness to the ancient rites, that even those unbidden to view the trials of the Third Degree came in great numbers, willing to serve in whatever way they might. And thus, when the hour struck, the Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts—still unversed in the mysteries of the final trial—took their leave from the lodge, departing across the road to the inn of Kilmarnock Arms, where they passed the hours in mirth and anticipation.
When at last the appointed moment came, the doors of the lodge were thrown open, and with measured stride, the brethren returned, a great company that entered as one. A murmur of approval passed through the assembled Masons, and the Master Masons stood as one, welcoming their kin back into the sacred fold.
A Trial of Skill and Honor
The Degree itself was no ordinary working, for it was to be the first such endeavor for many of the principal office bearers. Yet, if any doubted their mettle, those doubts were swiftly cast aside. With flawless precision did they enact the solemn ritual, their words ringing clear and true as if spoken by those who had walked these halls for an age. Their step was steady, their hands unshaken; not a syllable was lost, nor a gesture misplaced.
And yet, as in all noble trials, there were moments of unexpected levity, small turns in the great dance that brought forth quiet mirth among those who watched. But at Lodge St. Olaf, such moments are not seen as failings, but as bright embers of spirit, reminders that courage is found not in perfection, but in the willingness to step forward and partake in the grand traditions of old. Thus, these moments were met not with rebuke, but with hearty encouragement, and later, in the warmth of the level, with jests exchanged in the spirit of brotherhood.
The Worthy Candidate Steps Forward
At the heart of the evening stood Bro. Vern Nathan, whose test this night was great indeed. But if there was doubt in him, he showed it not. With words as steady as the mountain’s root, he gave his responses, each one precise, each one a testament to his dedication. He carried himself with dignity, his spirit unwavering. And when the time came for the boldest of steps, he took it without hesitation, setting forth upon the path that would lead him ever closer to the East.
A Moment of Reverence for a Fallen Brother
But the night was not without solemnity, for in the midst of their gathering, the brethren took pause to honor the memory of one who had journeyed beyond the veil. Past Master Jim Taylor, a stalwart among Masons, had passed to the Grand Lodge Above, leaving behind a legacy that time shall not erode. His deeds were spoken of in reverent tones, his contributions remembered with gratitude. Among these was the grand painting of King Solomon and a Master Mason—a younger Jim Taylor himself—whose likeness now watches over the hall, a guardian of tradition and a silent witness to the labors of those who follow.
A Brother Joins the Fold
Then there came another moment of great joy, for Brother Brian Artingstoll, a steadfast companion to the lodge, took upon himself the mantle of full membership. Long had he been a visitor, his presence familiar and welcome, and now he stood among them, one of their own at last. Cheers rang through the hall, for all knew that his strength and wisdom would lend further might to the lodge’s resurgence.
The Dawn of a Golden Age
As the gathering drew to a close, a sense of triumph filled the air. The fires of Lodge St. Olaf burned bright, and none could doubt that the days ahead would shine ever more brilliantly. The brethren departed, their hearts uplifted, knowing that they were part of something greater—a legacy that stretched beyond the bounds of time itself. And so they went forth, into the night, their footsteps ringing upon the stones, their voices carrying on the wind, a song of brotherhood unbroken.
Thus ends this chapter of the saga of Lodge St. Olaf, but many more are yet to be written, and the road ahead stretches ever onward.