In 1991, Lodge St. Olaf returned to their favored nautical themes, this time taking inspiration from the iconic 1960s television series Thunderbirds. Their entry for the Ythan Raft Race featured the underwater craft Thunderbird 4 as the centerpiece, and the result was nothing short of spectacular.
The raft was a visual treat, crafted with meticulous attention to detail to resemble the futuristic submersible. Painted in bright yellow and adorned with bold markings, it was instantly recognizable to fans of the series. The crew fully embraced the theme, donning costumes that transformed them into the beloved characters of International Rescue, adding a sense of fun and nostalgia to the event.
The Thunderbird 4 entry wasn’t just a crowd favorite; it also secured yet another prize for creative design, cementing the Lodge’s reputation for imaginative and engaging contributions to the race. Adding to the festivities, much of the day’s fun and antics were captured on video by roving cameraman PM Kenny Davidson, who documented the crew’s preparations, race-day excitement, and the lively interactions with spectators.
This entry not only delighted the audience but also showcased the Lodge’s ability to blend popular culture with craftsmanship, ensuring their place as a cornerstone of the Ythan Raft Race tradition.
Result: The Winner of the Most Attractive Raft
Gordon Mackay
Doug Sheal
Barrie Harper
Bill Murray
Neil Daniel
Jim Gardiner
Derek Stephen
Kevin Smith
Brian Smith
Short Clip from the Ythan Raft Race 1991
Extended Footage from the Ythan Raft Race 1991