The Chronicles of Lodge St Olaf: The Remembrance of Heroes

In the Shadow of Memory

On a somber morning of the 12th of November, in the Year of our Craft 2023, the brethren of Lodge St. Olaf gathered in reverent unity to honor the fallen. Under skies heavy with the weight of history, they made their way to Cruden Old Parish Church, where the hallowed echoes of prayers and hymns rose in solemn tribute to those who gave their all in defense of freedom and peace.

Amidst the gathered villagers, the Right Worshipful Master Trevor Cooke stood as the Lodge’s representative, a beacon of Freemasonry’s enduring respect for those who made the ultimate sacrifice. At the War Memorial, Bro. Cooke laid a wreath on behalf of the Lodge, its colors a vivid reminder of the bonds between the living and the departed, the Lodge and its community.

The Centenary Bench: A Village’s Tribute

But the R.W.M.’s duty did not end there. From the sacred ground of the Memorial, Bro. Cooke ventured to the heart of Cruden Bay, where the Lodge St. Olaf Centenary Bench stands proudly—a steadfast monument to the enduring presence of Freemasonry in the village since 1919.

Around this bench, a sanctuary for reflection, Bro. Cooke placed crosses in memory of the Lodge’s departed brethren and in solidarity with the villagers who had, over the years, embraced this landmark as their own.

As has become tradition, the bench was adorned with tokens of remembrance from the local residents—poppies, wreaths, and handwritten notes that spoke of gratitude and loss. These offerings wove a poignant tapestry of shared memory, intertwining the Lodge’s legacy with the lives of those it serves.

A Legacy Forged in Brotherhood

The Centenary Bench, crafted to commemorate not only the Lodge’s foundation but also the return of local men from the trenches of the First World War, stands as a testament to the healing power of brotherhood. Those who returned from the horrors of war found solace within the walls of Lodge St. Olaf, where the bonds of Freemasonry offered a path to renewal and hope.

Now, over a century later, the bench remains a beacon of that enduring spirit—a modern landmark steeped in layers of meaning, a bridge between past and present.

A Day to Remember

As the brethren departed, their hearts heavy yet uplifted, the village of Cruden Bay stood as a living testament to the resilience of memory and the strength of community. The Remembrance Day ceremonies, from church to memorial to bench, reaffirmed the Lodge’s place as a pillar of compassion and unity in the village—a legacy as enduring as the stone and timber of the Centenary Bench itself.

And so, the Fellowship of the Lodge walked once more in harmony with its people, their steps echoing through time as a tribute to those who will never be forgotten.
