P.M. James Stewart passed away on the 24th February 2006 (age 71 years), but he left behind a formidable record of Masonic excellence. For most freemasons the accolade of their Masonic career is rightly confirmed by the great honour the brethren place upon them by nominating them to be the R.W.M. of their lodge. A few however experience honour beyond this valued rank and they go on to greater trials of Provincial and Grand Lodge responsibility, such is the scope of Jimmy Stewart’s career.
Having just recently served his 5 year term as Provincial Grand Master of Aberdeenshire East with distinction bringing great credit to himself as well as to his Mother Lodge, in the summer of 2004, Jimmy handed over the gavel of Provincial authority to the new Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Aberdeenshire East, Alfie Davidson, his great friend and Masonic colleague of many years.
From 1999 until 2004, Lodge St. Olaf had the great honour of counting amongst it’s brethren the RWPGM. this honour being the accolade of a Masonic career punctuated by excellence in other offices of high rank including that of Provincial Grand Secretary.
His commitment to freemasonry is unquestionable, his guidance unmatchable, and his friendship unbeatable. We are truly blessed to have had the great honour these past 5 years to have had someone of Jimmy’s caliber represent our good name in such an impressive way and we look forward to the future with confidence in the knowledge of the role which we can play in Freemasonry proven by the fact that a small village lodge can provide the first laid stane of a Masonic career which can go on to achieve the highest rank in Provincial office.