Standing: J Warrander I.G. – R Forrest Tyl. – G Hendry P.M. Tres. –  J Love J.D. – Maj G Thorn S.D. – H Bremner Secy.

Sitting: F. Warrander W.S.W. – J Cruickshank P.S.G.M.P.L. of A.E – A Edgar R.W.M. – G Summers W.J.W.



Lodge St. Olaf was founded in 1919 by local men returning from the 1st World War. This picture was taken 40 years later so it’s possible that some of those pictured would have direct links to those founder members, unfortunately, we don’t have these stories to tell.

But at least 4 of them were still active in the Lodge in the early 1980s and so were very well known to our members who joined in the early 1980s, in particular, the 2 Warrender brothers Jock (standing extreme left) and Fred (seated extreme left).


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